Wednesday, February 9, 2011
hi i'm finally blogging again or so i think

i did something for zen again. the nicadie thing. it took a while actually. =)) i was so lazy the past days.
i know, the drawing is basically pink and it's not either nico or sadie's style of color. i should've chose purple or black or something but no |8 coz i can't color like a pro. but behind those totally uncool brush strokes and coloring, i'm pretty proud of my work 8)
and now she's asking for a fic. omg. LOOOOL. but i would do anything for my best friend. besides, i'm enjoying this too anyway LOOOOOL. nicadie is like my top ship. i would do anything for anyone as long as it has any relation at all to nicadieee. <3
i've finished the first two books of the hunger games--the hunger games & catching fire. both were super great. as in. when it comes to books, i always prefer the ones that give me a feeling of thrill. i love those books which end chapters with cliffhangers. it makes you want to read more. it gives you the motivation unlike some other books that when you read the first few words, you could already guess what's about to happen and how it would end.
anyway, i've been stuck in mockingjay for a few days now xD i haven't been reading constantly because i've been distracted with so much more things such as "taemin" <3 and some other stuffs. but i promised myself that i would finish it by the end of this week. hopefully, i could fulfill that lol.
when i finish the trilogy, i'll start it again! lol that's how great it is. you should try reading it. scratch that. you MUUUST try reading it. it's great and worth every minute you spend with your eyes glued on the pages. you won't regret it. unless you don't enjoy reading about rebellion and unrequited love loool. peeta ily.
school. nothing much has been happening. either that or i've been too focused on "taemin" . lmao. ok i think i should stop with all this shenanigans cause he's just an elementary kid who happens to be adorable in every way (~ ゚▽゚)~ and i'm like a junior in high school which is sad. no i'm not in love with him. i just find him really cute and attractive. in fact, he's the one who stands out the most among his classmates. ~(♡´∀`♡)~ (MANGGAGAYA KA MEEK HA. =)) i liked a kid first!! jk)
prom is coming up. i don't feel like joining. it's not that i'm lazy or anything, i just don't like those kinds of socialization. generally, i don't like socializing with people. loool. that makes me sound like a closeted hobo but it's true. i really don't enjoy those kinds of boy-girl party stuffs. i don't understand why people are so consistent about making me join. it's not my thing lol. your argument is invalid 'cause everyone has their own opinions about something and this is mine. i'm just not into the whole gown-thing. i would go if i could wear jeans. but i guess that's asking for too much considering the event is a p r o m and not a trip to the mall. =)))
ok that's it about what's the big thing in my life as of this week.
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