Sunday, January 9, 2011

ok it's been settled

i officially suck at pacman. the game is just so hard gdi. it's like so much harder than pokemon rofl i'm such a nerd. but still it is. and unless i could at least pass a level, i would stop ranting about how difficult it is. i don't even know why i'm playing it lmfao.

kay so there was this rumor that f(x) would have their first official album some time between february and march--w/c means no more less than 7 songs in an album 8D but it also means that i have to wait longer. well at least amber is back and krystal is happy lmao orz

monday again tomorrow. god you have no idea how much i want to get away from school. just one week without math or smth. orzzzzzzzzzz

(c) amakura mai / bc