Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Goodbye Kangin
I saw from the Doll Sanc that Kangin, Kibum and Hangen left Super Junior. It's realy sad, especially for Heechul.
I saw somewhere that he and Hangeng were really close friends. The news of Hangeng leaving must have really stabbed him inside. He was actually crying on their concert in Beijing before they went to Manila.
But seriouslyI saw somewhere that Heechul even thought of leaving the group. Don't Heechul!! Dx or else Super Junior won't have its same color as it did before ;_;

Poor guy ;_;
I'll miss Kangin the most though ;_; I love that dude DX I love him so much ;___;
so this means Super Junior will be 10nely :c Please come back guyss!! ;_;
Yesung is my fav guy now~~ He's so cute and gothic somehow XD and he's so cool dammit
I saw somewhere that he and Hangeng were really close friends. The news of Hangeng leaving must have really stabbed him inside. He was actually crying on their concert in Beijing before they went to Manila.
But seriously

Poor guy ;_;
I'll miss Kangin the most though ;_; I love that dude DX I love him so much ;___;
so this means Super Junior will be 10nely :c Please come back guyss!! ;_;
Yesung is my fav guy now~~ He's so cute and gothic somehow XD and he's so cool dammit