Tuesday, May 25, 2010


i just realized that i've been blogging like an insane person who has metal problems OTL kasdjhfaksjdhfasdfhqw i can't help my sanity T^T

i'm in my room atm as always lol browsing icons from lj epic and listening to random songs idk. :D

dashboard confessional is coming to the philippines yaaaaay~!! /o/ idk when though OTL u-kiss will also come /o/ on may 29 which is a saturday.

i might come lmao. depends if my dad allows. though, none of my family members are fond of kpop aside from me lmao i'm a loner when it comes to kpop :c

i still love it though.

nothing will change my mind /ooooooooooo/ because in my heart, there is only room for kpop and chocolate /o/
(c) amakura mai / bc