Tuesday, September 13, 2011
i blog somewhere else now
see if you can find me
Friday, September 2, 2011
i'm trying to make a fanmix for peter, susan, edmund and lucy. i've also started sadie's and katniss' fanmixes but it's still on queue.

also, they have released a teaser trailer for the hunger games. i'm too lazy to link it so just search it up on youtube. it's pretty amazing and i'm so excited for the movie. i've heard from rumours that the film will mostly focus on katniss' relationships with the other characters and not fully on the rebellion itself, which, in my idea, is the very pinnacle of the book. i'm sad that they didn't take that to consideration but whatever lol at least there's a film and i'm crossing my fingers that they didn't tinker too much with the plot that they'd drastically change my outlook on the trilogy.
also, i've been pretty busy lately do to the life of a senior person lol. i have so much responsibilities, and i don't get to read my book anymore it hurts so bad lol. and i have to go to school on weekends on such late notice that i don't have much time to rest anymore ): ): ): i want to hug myself in one corner as the tears gently stream down my cheeks in a placid pace
omg no please take me away ): a secret place ): a sweet escape ): i've got a pocket got a pocket full of sunshine lol
ALSO i joined pottermore and i've just recently recieved my welcome mail! whee and just a few days ago, i got sorted into the ravenclaw house YAAAAAAYYYAYAAAAYYYY this means i am intelligent and wise and oh so cunning like trees
anyway, i've also taken a tesserae and i am actually welcomed into district 10 & 1. i made two accounts if anyone is asking lol i just want to be in district 11 because, come on who doesnt like agriculture. i wish there was one site where you get to pick what group you're put into ): i hope they do that for this imaginary percy jackson website and i get to choose the hades cabin because i'm so cool like that ): or maybe the apollo cabin wheeeEEEE
unfolding realizations: i am a horrible planner
but i am still amazing and cool

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